Where might you share your research?
You will have considered the audience for your research as you were defining your topic and ima/s, but now it is important to identify the best ways and platforms to share it with your peers.
Which peer-reviewed journals have published related articles?
What are their submission guidelines?
Is there scope in your research to expand further, perhaps into a book?
Which conferences would be most appropriate to submit your research to?
What other platforms or space might there be to disseminate your research?
It is a good idea to spend some time identifying the right publications, conferences or other media, spaces or events where you can share your research outcomes.
For guidance on how to get published, please watch this very practical video from our Visiting Research Professor Ian King, which provides invaluable advice.
This ResearchIML platform offers an invaluable place to share article drafts, work in progress, or indeed final outcomes, to gain supportive, live feedback that will enable you to further polish your method of sharing. We will create a designated area on this platform for this soon, but in the meantime please email for any queries you have or support you may need.
Of course with practice-based research the outcomes may be expressed through physical artefacts, film or imagery, or in virtual spaces (often with accompanying text, such as an abstract or a monograph) or in all of these and more.
There are numerous options available to you whatever your research is about and whatever the outcomes.
Next……Summarising your research
Next……Summarising your research